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First Strokes Print by the Handwriting Clinic First Strokes Multi-sensory Print Program. A bridge between the classroom and therapeutic Intervention The most comprehensive, informative Description: Designed by an occupational therapist to teach print handwriting, this intervention program provides Category: Reference Education Products and Services Early Childhood Exhibition Print Program The Exhibition Print Program is the avenue by which framed prints created through the Atelier program and other special workshops are presented in local EN FOCO Print Program En Foco Home, EN FOCO Print Program, Page 1 Page 2. The Print Collector s Program offers a unique opportunity to collect original Center for Photographic Art Print Program As an alternative to the regular membership, our Fine Print Program is a unique way of acquiring signed fine art photographic prints in conjunction with a Center for Photographic Art Print Program The Fine Print Program offers five unique collectable images. Membership in the Collector s Fine Print Program is not tax-deductable. Print Management Program Information $1,500 and all repeating publications costing more than $1,500 annually (such as newsletters), will be coordinated and processed by the Print Program Manager. Print Program Management Contact Information Print Program Management Contact Information. Roger Lewis Duke University Health System Print Program Manager. 101 Facilities Center Box 90172 Durham, NC 27708. Texas Photographic Society: Print Program One of the benefits of membership in the Texas Photographic Society is your eligibility to participate in the TPS Collectors Print Program. APICS - Fit-to- Print Program Fit-to- Print Newsletter Program. Submissions to the Fit-to- Print program must be postmarked ore-mailed to no later than May 15. PHOTOGRAPHIC RESOURCE CENTER at boston university members print 2002 members print program. Over the years, the Photographic Resource Center has made high-quality, limited edition artwork available lucky-one menesk